New user registration for the TD Ameritrade API has been disabled in preparation for the Charles Schwab integration. The ability to create, modify, or delete an application from the TDA Developer Portal has been disabled. Click Here for more information on the Schwab Trader API program including the ability to register and request access into the Schwab Trader API for Individual and Commercial access.

APIs to access Account Balances, Positions, Trade Info and place Trades

oAuth API to retrieve the bearer token which can be used to access other APIs

Search for instrument and fundamental data

Operating hours of markets

Retrieve mover information by index symbol, direction type and change

Get Option Chains for optionable symbols

Historical price data for charts

Request real-time and delayed top level quote data

APIs to access transaction history on the account

APIs to access user-authorized accounts and their preferences

APIs to perform CRUD operations on Account Watchlist